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Some Examples of Treated Clinical Cases 

Here there are some examples of clinical cases treated at Center to better define the situations in which Prosthetic Scleral Lenses fitting is indicated. 



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Multiple Corneal Graft
after Chemical Caustication

Patient treated with multiple Conjunctival and Corneal Graft after chemical caustication; sent for Prosthetic Scleral Device fitting with protective and rehabilitative goals. Visual Acuity increased from 1/10 to 12/10 with Device worn.


Corneal Graft with Inferior Bulge 

Patient surgically treated with Corneal Graft with consecutive progressive bulge in inferior sector.  Sent for fitting Prosthetic Scleral Lens to rehabilitate visual function. Visual Acuity increased from 4/10 to 10/10 with Device worn.


Lyell Syndrome 

Already monocular patient  affected by Lyell Syndrome with consecutive corneal disease not surgically treatable. Sent to fit Prosthetic Scleral Lens principally to protect cornea surface and secondly to restore vision.  VIisual Acuity increased from 1/50 to 2/10 with Device worn.


Keratoconus with Recurrent Ulcerous Keratitis

Patient affected by Keratoconus with clinical history of recurrent ulcerous keratitis. Already fitted with several typologies of Contct Lenses without success. Sent for Prosthetic Scleral Lens fitting to restore vision. Visual Acuity increased from 2/10 to 10/10 with Device worn. 


Persistent Epithelial Defects post Refractive Surgery 

Patient previously treated with Refractive Surgery with consecutive persistent epithelial defects.  Sent for Prosthetic Scleral Lens fitting  to restore vision. Visual Acuity increased from 4/10 to 10/10 with Device worn. 


Recurrent Corneal Ulcers in Rosacea Keratitis

Patient with clinical history of recurrent corneal ulcers consecutive to Rosacea Keratitis. Sent to fit Prosthetic Scleral Device for protecting and restoring corneal function. Visual Acuity increased from 2/10 to 10/10 with Device worn. 


Corneal Graft after Bulbar Explosion

Patient treated with Corneal graft after traumatic bulbar explosion. Sent for Prosthetic Scleral Device fitting with protective and rehabilitative goals. Visual Acuity increased from 3/10 to 9/10 with Scleral Lens worn. 


Post Refractive Surgery Treatment  (ARK)

Patient affected by Keratoconus previously treated with ARK surgery technique.   Sent for Prosthetic Scleral Lens fitting to restore visual function. Visual Acuity increased from 4/10 to 9/10 with Scleral Device worn. 


Corneal Anesthesia post Radiotherapic Treatment  

Already monocular patient affected by corneal anesthesia consecutive to prolonged eye occlusion (nose-pharynx tumor) and radio-chemo-therapy. Sent for Prosthetic Scleral Lens fitting for protecting corneal tissuea and restoring visual function. Visual Acuity increased from fingers counting at 30 cm to 1,5/10 with Device worn. 


Corneal Erosions RGP realted in Keratoconus

Patient affected by Keratoconus with recurrent corneal erosions consecutive to RGP Lenses wearing. Sent for Prosthetic Scleral Lens fitting with rehabilitative, reconstructive and protective goals.

Visual Acuity increased from 1/10 to 8/10 with Device worn. 


Surgical Treatment of Keratoconus (INTACS) 

Patient affected by Keratoconus treated surgically with Intrastromal Corneal Rings (INTACS). Previously treated with other kind of lenses without success. Sent for Prosthetic Scleral Lens to rehabilitate visual function.  Visual Acuity increased from 1,5/10 to 8/10 with Device worn.  


Severe Dry Eye in Salzmann Degeneration

Patient affected by Salzmann Degeneration with severe sicca syndrome, diffused epitheliopathy and persistent defects with corneal opacity. Sent for Prosthetic Scleral Lens fitting to protect ocular surface and restore vision. Visual Acuity increased from 3/10 to 8/10 with Device worn.

Corneal Graft with Superior Bulge

Patient treated with Corneal Graft and consecutive progressive bulge in superior area. Sent to fit a Prosthetic Scleral Lens to protect corneal tissues  and rehabilitate vision. Visual Acuity increased from 1/10 to 8/10 with Scleral Lens worn.  


Perforating Corneal Trauma

Patient that shows perforating corneal trauma outcomes with sutures present. Sent for Prosthetic Scleral Device fitting to protect cornea tissues from exposure.

Maximal Visual Acuity is 1/10 due to retinic impairment.


Graft Versus Host Disease

Patient with severe cornea and ocular surface disease due to GVHD (Graft Versus Host Disease).

Sent for Prosthetic Scleral Lens fitting to protect ocular surface and restore vision.   Symptoms reduction and Visual Acuity increased from 2/10 to 7/10 with Device worn.


Severe Terrien Marginal Degeneration 

Patient affected by severe Terrien Marginal Degeneration with superior corneal area with 80 microns thickness.   Sent for Prosthetic Scleral Lens fitting to protect corneal tissues and restore vision. Visual Acuity increased from 4/10 to 12/10 with Device worn. 


Chemical Corneal Caustication 

Already monocular patient with severe alterations of ocular surface due to chemical corneal caustication. Sent for Prosthetic Scleral Lens fitting to protect ocular surface tissues and restore vision. Visual Acuity increased from 3/10 to 8/10 with Device worn. 


Entropion related Corneal Pannus

Patient affected by corneal pannus consecutive to entropion already surgically treated, with severe dry eye symptoms and progressive loss of vision. Sent for Prosthetic Scleral Lens fitting to protect and recovery ocular surface, and to restore vision. Visual Acuity increased from 4/10 to 10/10 with Device worn. 


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